Crack Mes

less than 1 minute read

RedXen’s Fun CrackMe!

This challenge is .NET


dnSpy (32-bit,.NET)

First i tried to run it :

as we saw it asked for a username and a password so we are looking for a password.

after getting a quik view on the code we can see this is the interesting part of it. it askes for a username then a password and in the for loop it seems to calculate the actual password then comparing it with our input. now we know we need to know the actualPassword generated inside the loop and the best way is to debug it.

set a breakpoint on line 41 which print “what’s your password” and start debugging to see that there is a word being generated from the loop which we already know it is the same length as the user name and it is the actualPaswword. to be sure i ran it with the same username and the generated password and it was accepted